Marketing solutions

Disruptive methods to market your property. That's exactly what we offer you: Various solutions that make the intangible tangible.
For the buyer, the purchase of a new home is not just a simple change of real estate. It's rather a new life that begins in a new home. The past is left behind and a new future begins in a new place. For many, this is a profound experience. Our service picks up exactly these feelings. We exploit the sales potential of your property by applying our exceptional solutions in a targeted manner. You receive a carefully composed and professionally created concept that you can rely on for the long term. 

Video Production

Solvie Marketing

Social Media by Solvie

Social media is the "place where everybody is" and therefore one of the most important pillars in the marketing of all kinds of products. Solvie combines the two topics of "real estate" and "social media" in a fresh and high-quality way to generate added value for you. In doing so, we open the door to the enormous reach and endless opportunities that social media has to offer. The large audience base on social media strengthens our online presence and generates even more interest in the properties we show.

Virtual Staging

Vorher Nachher

Animations for construction projects

HDR Photography

Let's work together

Whether you are looking for a property as a new home or as an investment property, whether you want to sell or are just looking. Together we are stronger. If you already know what you want: Perfect, tell us and we'll take care of it. If you are not quite sure yourself, talk to us! Our know-how gives you new ideas, we show you possibilities and together we are unbeatable.


Handshake of real estate agent and young caucasian couple