Tours by Solvie

Our customers benefit from our innovative strength. We are not only very familiar with the current market, but also with the best marketing strategies. Our team enables you to present your property discreetly, but in the best light. This way we increase the reach and multiply the chance of finding the perfect buyer. Not only are we the first to make this possible in Switzerland, but we have learned from the best in the world. Benefiting from their experience and combining it with ours, we exclusively provide you with the best solution for a successful sale of your property. Learn more in our video and on our other channels.

Finding a suitable property is not always easy. A lot of time is lost in the search, a lot of driving is required, endless conversations, viewings and no end in sight. Does your dream property perhaps not even exist?

Just tell us what you want and let us do the work. Completely free of charge for you, we will search for - and above all find - exactly the object you have in mind. 

Wir verfügen nicht nur über eine eigene sehr umfangreiche Datenbank, sondern sind auch im ganzen Land hervorragend vernetzt und haben Zugriff auf Bestände von Banken, Vermittlern und Verkäufern. Erhalten Sie einfach und völlig kostenfrei für Sie passende Angebote. Rufen Sie uns gern an und erzählen Sie uns Ihre Wünsche!