Sell with Solvie

Performance comparison

More performance for less money - you are better off with us.

Classic broker
Connection fee
Monthly costs
Hidden costs
Additional costs for video
None, it's included
Not offered
Additional costs for virtual staging
None, it's included
Not offered
Additional costs for HDR photography
None, it's included
Not offered
Yes, anytime
Yes, via software
Easy collaboration
Yes, via software

Performance comparison

More performance for less money - you are better off with us.

Classic broker
Connection fee
Connection fee
Monthly costs
Monthly costs
Hidden costs
Hidden costs
Additional costs for video
None, it's included
Additional costs for video
Not offered
Additional costs for virtual staging
None, it's included
Additional costs for virtual staging
Not offered
Additional costs for HDR photography
None, it's included
Additional costs for HDR photography
Not offered
Yes, anytime
Yes, via software
Easy collaboration
Yes, via software
Easy collaboration

Personal advice

Every case is different - yours is special.

  • Understanding your goals and expectations
  • Get to know what is special about your property
  • What should the future housing situation be like?

Detailed preparation

Thorough preparation is a requirement for successful placement.

  • Preparation of the documents
  • Qualified valuation
  • Preparations in the house
  • Optimum sales strategy

Innovative marketing

Have you already seen our excellent marketing solutions?

  • Individual concept creation
  • Handcrafted recordings and visualizations
  • Processing and preparation
  • Go-Live (advertisement)

Professional sale

We will guide you with the brilliancy of an entrepreneur, the accuracy of a lawyer, the service of a 5-star hotel and the discretion of a Swiss private bank.

  • Visits
  • Negotiations
  • Conclusion of a contract
  • Handover

Over the finish line

Our passion and dedication is limitless. We are there for you - even afterwards.

  • Moving out / settling in in your new home
Real Estate Agent with Clients

Market your property with the best strategy!

First and foremost, working with us means comfort for you. Specially targeted campaigns aimed precisely at potential buyers of your property complete the package.          The result is your success and therefore ours. Convince yourself:

Your advantages with a joint cooperation

Best selling price

You have the property, we have the experience. Often money is given away because details important for the sale are not included in the valuation. Through a competitor and market value analysis coupled with acumen, experience and competence, you will achieve a better price with us.

Maximum reach

To market your property quickly, we use all currently available channels in addition to the classic possibilities. Thanks to social media, Google, far-reaching contacts and real estate portals, we reach all relevant interested parties.

Minimum time required

Time is money! Interested parties can first view your property virtually. You will not have to experience countless time-consuming meetings with us. We work highly efficiently and thanks to special tools, communication between you and us is also possible in real time without any loss of time.

High-quality appearance

We present your property in the very best way. Thanks to innovative marketing solutions, the prospective buyer receives a comprehensive and convincing impression - your property deserves that.

Highest quality

With us, you can expect the very best of everything. The expertise of our long-term employees is unparalleled. Top training and relevant experience in the market as well as local expertise make us your best choice.


With us you will feel like with a good acquaintance. In addition to extensive technological expertise and finesse, we see you and us as a team that will work together to market your property quickly and at the best price.

Local expertise

Our experts know the local market and are always up to date professionally. At Solvie, we rely on many years of experience in the sector, strong local and technical competencies, and continuous training.

All around service

We will not leave you out in the cold. If papers are missing or incomplete, if work has to be done or other measures supporting the sale are necessary; with us you are in the best hands.

The day after

Selbst wenn die Vermittlung abgeschlossen ist, sind wir weiterhin für Sie da. Wir begleiten Sie bei den ersten Schritten am neuen Ort, mit Kontakten und konkreten Hilfestellungen. Wir werden auch in Zukunft Freunde bleiben, denn Ihr Gefühl hat Sie zu uns gebracht.

5 steps to sell your property


Personal advice

We look at everything closely with you.


Detailed preparation

Thorough preparation is a requirement for successful placement.


Innovative marketing

Have you already seen our excellent marketing solutions?


Professional sale

We will guide you with the brilliancy of an entrepreneur, the accuracy of a lawyer, the service of a 5-star hotel and the discretion of a Swiss private bank.


Over the finish line

Our passion and dedication is limitless. We are there for you - even afterwards.

Couple Shaking Hands with Real Estate Agent
Female Realtor In Hallway Carrying Out Valuation

Get your property valued free of charge

A serious property valuation is the basis for any negotiation and ultimately a good sale. Knowledge of local conditions is of inestimable advantage. In a detailed property inspection, our specialists include all relevant information in addition to the general and local market conditions so that no details influencing the value are overlooked.

Our affiliate program

Our affiliate program is open to anyone who has business or private dealings with people who want to sell or are looking for an object. Simply give us a tip, chill and automatically collect a big bonus if we are successful. Become a partner of our Solvie network easily and without effort:

Real estate agent showing apartment